What is sonnet forms and History

Sonnet is a type of lyric poetry

It consists of 14 rows with a special type of lay plan. The most important thing about this is that it presents only one thought or feeling. And its charms the charm of the poet's personality. The sonnet was born in thirteenth-century Italy and Dante is believed to be the father of it. Later Petrarch gave it its entirety.

Italian is the subject of the sonnet, there was love only between men and women and poets did not write a sonnet on any other subject. As you will see in the Ghazals of Urdu, in its initial phase, the ghazal was seen revolving only around the woman, where the affection and love of the female man were shown.

Parts of Sonnets 

 This Italian sonnet was divided into two parts, octave, and sestet, 8 in octave and 6 in the state. Normally the first line was synchronized to the fourth line and the second line to the third. The same method was repeated in the second term. Petrarch, I normally addressed Lady Larva in my sonnet, which he loved. Dante has addressed his sonnet to Beatrice. The poetic form achieved the most fame in Italy in the 15th century. In the early 16th century, it started spreading to Spain and France from where it later reached England.

 The credit for taking Sonnet to England goes to W Wyatt and Surry.  Wyatt adopted the form of Petrarchan Sonnet and many of his contemporary poets followed this form. Thus, this form gained fame very quickly. Although Wyatt was never a great genius and did not compose a very important sonnet, he did introduce English poetry in at least this way.

 Hence its contribution to Sonnet's fame cannot be ignored. He first added excitement, emotion and enthusiasm to the poem. Her love songs add some sense of high beauty. He wrote about 31 sonnets and all of them have poetic superiority, aesthetic high emotion. He translated 10 sonnets of Petrarch. In all of them, Wyatt adopted Petrarch's method. Some of them include novelty by Wyatt, he ends up with a couplet. His voice is full of thought everywhere. His design suggests that he experienced some difficulties in adopting this new form. 

